Friday, November 16, 2012

What you talkin bout?

OK. So I guess this should have been called "Diary of a Busy Mom". Or "Diary of the Non Blogging Mom". I started it almost a year ago to the date and haven't blogged since. Well, I guess it's never too late to re-start a goal. Right? Today I walked into my front room and saw my 4th grader reading a book. Now, the fact that he was reading is no surprise. He is a bookworm like me. But he was very intently studying a German phrasebook. Confused, I asked him what he was doing. He explained that his friends have been trying for years to create their own secret language but they have a hard time staying consistent. They've tried pig latin, ferb latin, and making up random sounds. So... today they decided that they'd all just learn German. I asked him why German. He said it was the only language book in the school library that had 3 copies. 1 for each of his friends. Well, I guess, if he is going to intently study a language, I'd rather it be German than pig latin. :)

It made me think about the other "languages" that my kids speak. My baby is now 5 months and is suddenly very talkative. He squeals and goos and spits whenever anyone talks to him. He is trying so hard to carry on a conversation and I love it! My 3 yr old uses big words all the time like, "actually" and "literally". Yesterday he said, "Evidently, the baby just pooped". It makes me giggle to hear those 4 syllable words come out in his little high pitched voice. If only teenagers now a days had the same vocabulary that he has. I'm disgusted by the lack of spelling/grammar/vocabulary I see in today's teens. Not to get on a soapbox but have you ever read a facebook post and cringed at the writing?  I graded a paper of a 9th grader this week that had at least one spelling, usage, grammar, or punctuation error in EVERY sentence. He used spell check but the computer doesn't catch things like the difference between "there" and "their" or the fact that he used "off" instead of "of". It makes me wonder sometimes if all of our technology is actually hurting us rather than helping.

Ok. I have safely stashed my soapbox back under the bed. True to the form of calling this blog the "diary of a sleepy mom", it is almost 1am and I should head to bed. Morning comes awfully early when you have 4 kids.  I have to admit that some of my sleepiness is from my kids exhausting me and some is from my late night habits. Either way, it's time for bed. Good Night Mommyland!